• You can expect high energy, loud bass, always hip hop, and a huge focus on tension. I am not a choreo queen; I like to keep it simple, build the challenge with the red dial and encourage you to find the edge of your ability with resistance. I will encourage you every step of the way, and I promise you’ll leave feeling so proud of yourself.

What's your why?

I teach to inspire people to get outside of their comfort zones. To believe bigger in their abilities, to find joy in discomfort and challenge, and to enjoy fitness beyond what it does for your body but rather your mind.

Favourites Activities

I love to cook, go to the dog park with my pitty, watch movies, workout with friends, and spend quality time with loved ones.

Favourite Music

J Cole
The Weeknd
Doja Cat
Baby Keem

Find me at

Whyte Ave

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