Nicole Bosse

  • Statistics Wiz
  • Fur Mom
  • Skydiver
  • Professional Sleeper
  • Fuelled by Slurpees and Smiles 

What's your why?

I’m incredibly humbled and inspired by the opportunity to motivate the Bikergang who are comprised of such strong, empowering, wonderful individuals from all walks of life. The diversity, energy, and strength within our spin rooms bring light to my days and encourage me to facilitate the best classes I can in order to bring you everything you want from your spin class. Meeting and getting to know you, the Bikergang, inspires me to embody the kindness, enthusiasm, and determination I see daily within our studios. I hope I can in some way inspire you to be present and authentic in your workout, or even life outside the studio, and achieve whatever you want to during that 50 minutes. Outside the YEG doors I’m inspired by my amazing family and friends (including the Bikergang), my adorable fur babies Mikey and Leila, jumping out of airplanes, and a desire to grow personally and in my career in order to live each day to the fullest.

Last week's playlist

Favourites Activities

Buying more Lulu pants, Laughing, Watching Grey’s Anatomy, Going to the dog park, Mexico, Getting a formula in Excel right on the first try, Finding the perfect bottle of rose, Seeking the next adrenaline high.

Favourite Music

Poke bowls, Slurpees, Coffee, Avocados, Tuna steak, Chicago style pizza.

Find me at

Whyte Ave | 124th Street Studio

Follow Me On Instagram