Kevin Espenido


  • Brand Marketer
  • Avocado Toast Aficionado
  • Avid Overspender
  • R&B Lyric Memorizer
  • Bougie Traveler
  • 20% Chocolate Almond Milk

What's your why?

In the studio, it’s strength. The moment in any workout when you recognize how much you have left and commit 100%. It’s in this strength where you feel unstoppable and capable of absolutely anything. Getting to that point is tough. You have to trudge through some heavy stuff to get there, but I promise it’s worth every ounce effort. You are so much stronger than you can imagine. You’re powerful. You’re present. And the world is better because of it.

Last week's playlist

Favourites Activities

Sleeping. Underground hip hop/street art, fashion and music shows. Boutique fitness sweats. Cafe hopping. Finding bomb food spots. Late night drives to wherever. Hipster travel destinations.

Favourite Music

Potatoes (shoutout to versatility). Korean fried chicken. Any and all pasta. Any and all chocolate. Sushi. Honey dijon kettle chips. White rum cocktails. Moscato.

Find me at

Whyte Ave

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