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Adrianna & Elan, spinsties for life!

It's our fave when besties become spinsties! We got a chance to hang out with Adrianna and Elan before Adrianna had her last ride at YEG Cycle before moving to Calgary. We love you Adrianna, our pals at YYC Cycle are lucky to have you now!


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How long have you been spinning?

I've been spinning since 2018, my first class was a Zac Efron Musicals team teach with Lindsay and Jeffery (an amazing first class)

What is your favourite part about YEG Cycle?

My favourite part about spin is the community. I'm so thankful to have YEG Cycle feel like a second home to me. Being able to have a place to escape for an hour it would take your mind off whatever's going on, or be able to take a crappy day and step into the studio and feel better. The love and support the Bikergang and MO's give is what kept me going back again and again, being a part of the YEG community is so special.

When did you decide to spin together?

Elan and I work together at Communauto, and I was going to spin super frequently and tell her how much I loved it. Elan finally tagged along once after work and that was it, she was just as hooked as I was! We just would go on our lunch breaks or after work together all the time. We just became a little spin duo, and going without one another was weird!

What's the best part about having a spinsite?

The best part about spinning with a friend is being able to have someone keep you accountable, and motivated! I love being able to look around the room and see supportive people, it's so nice as you cheer one another on, get sweaty and then celebrate with coffee or farrow sandwiches after.


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How long have you been spinning?

I have been spinning at YEG cycle for just over a year and a half.

What is your favourite part about YEG Cycle?

My favourite part about spin is the people! I have made so many friends over the time I have been spinning which makes it so much more fun and feels like more of a friend hangout than a workout class!

When did you decide to spin together?

Adrianna had started spinning before me and then I decided to join her at 4:30 with Lindsay one day and I was hooked! We then started going on our lunch breaks and after work or whenever we could make it work! We went so much together when we would go alone people would ask where the other person was!

What's the best part about having a spinsite?

The best part about spinning with a friend is the motivation that it brings! You know if you are both signed up for that 8am class you can't cancel because your friend will be there alone! Another great part is meeting new people together and growing our spin friend group!